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Bluecoat School, Wigan


Bluecoat School taken from New Market Street.
Bluecoat School taken from New Market Street.
Photo: Arthur Culshaw
Views: 8,079
Item #: 241
Bluecoat School taken from New Market Street.

Comment by: RON on 2nd November 2007 at 15:23

Can't work this out??? The building on the other two pictures showing the Bluecoat school Don't appear to be the same building as this one? Where their two buildings?

Comment by: Carl Fairclough on 11th November 2007 at 16:16

There were 2 buildings, this one was the infants school. The other 2 pictures show the junior school. There is a photo of this building taken from Hallgate in the 'Retro' published in Wigan Evening Post on 7th November 2007 which says this building was demolished in 1985. We spent every afternoon for the early years lying on mats having an afternoon nap.

Comment by: kooch on 20th May 2008 at 19:50

went to bluecote infants in 1956 unil i was movedby my mum a cople of years later to st georges.Happy days.If i only knew then what i know now.

Comment by: E A Swift on 2nd February 2010 at 18:58

The building on the right of the photograph is not the infants school but I think the institute. The infants school is next to it off the photograph. The infants headteacher in the 1930's was Miss Susie Newton

Comment by: E A Swift on 2nd February 2010 at 19:43

I have been thinking and wish to amend my previous comment. The buiding on the right of the photograph WAS part of the Infants School But the main building was to the right of it. In the newer part( shown) there were beautiful hand embroidered curtains at the large windows covered with hand embroidered flowers.

Comment by: Trevor Wright on 9th November 2010 at 17:13

The building on the left with the white front was called Tuder House. The Boys brigade, and the scouts used to meet there. Then I think it became a hotel. The building on the right was the top end of the infant school

Comment by: John Dennett on 11th March 2011 at 14:24

The building on the right is the new brick built extension of the infants school.The main building was made of stone an single story high. The building to the left of the school was The Sisters Home belonging to Wigan Parish Church.
When I was in the CLB we had a brigade hall in Spring Gardens, which was sold to Walker Brothers for a works club

Comment by: Lesley McAlister nee guest on 19th March 2013 at 23:07

The building just on the right with the 3 big windows with a mini just in front is the hall of the infants, just out of the picture is where we used to be crossed over by the lolly pop man and walk through a gate the school would be on out left at this point, with the doors to go in at the side if the hall, there was toilets just as you went through the doors to the infants side and the juniors was across the yard but if you went up the side street it would have been the first building you came to on that road but we hardly ever saw these doors open everyone came in through the infant gates and lined up ready to go in, I remember when I was in the juniors and lining up in front of the doors, there wax a climbing frame a ticket in the infant years and another one just a square one I done think that had a shape, we used to play rounders in the juniors yard and sports days where in the infants yard. And do you remember we had children who were hand washing inspectors they got to wash their hand first before lunch and the inspect everyone else's hands and if you weren't friends with them they'd send you back a few times, oh the fun I had sending people back, and them me too. And we had to Wat all our dinner before the dinner ladies would let us out yo play,

Comment by: pamela gibbons (thorpe) on 17th May 2013 at 22:18

I loved going to bluecoat school, Mr Clark was the headmaster, teachers miss brown, Mrs unsworth, we used to get a little bottle of milk everyday.

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