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The Dingle.
The Dingle.
Photo: Philip Gormley.
Views: 2,404
Item #: 29108
I'm sure Maureen will find this photo as being of particular interest to her, as it was taken in February 2017 and from the same spot where Ozy's version (Item 29084) had been taken sometime beforehand; together the photos provide a before & after 'type of thing' - Ozy's proving to be the more evocative of the two. As The Dingle is, at present, quite a morass, GW might now like to consider delaying his next walk along its pathway until early Summer, and in the meantime reawaken his fondness for lifes aesthetics ie tonal qualities. He'll relish the promise of the click-click from his biker boots on Summer's firmer ground, and now wax lyrical about the gentle rattle of his prized collection of enamel badges and the exquisite 'purr' of his Triumph's middle register.

Comment by: Mick on 25th February 2017 at 22:23

Looks like a giant Peacock on the right

Comment by: GW. on 26th February 2017 at 05:53

Cheers Philip. You didn't happen to find some Triumph keys i lost around here in January!!

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 26th February 2017 at 08:28

Blimey ! You've got a fertile imagination there Mick, but I can see what you mean, just about. That's a good photo Philip, but I think it was taken a little bit closer to Billinge than mine was. If I'm not mistaken, the old dirt rucks are just to the right on yours, whereas mine was taken farther down, right at the bottom, near the junction with the path that goes left towards Gaffney's pit, or right towards Lavin's pit. I need to revisit the site as I haven't been round there for years. I might even come across you and G.W. when I'm in the area. If I do, I'll stand you both a pint in the Brown Cow.

Regards. Ozy.

Comment by: GW. on 26th February 2017 at 08:50

Cheers Ozzy. I'm back in Australia until July but if you could have a quick look for those keys i'd appreciate it.

Comment by: jack on 26th February 2017 at 10:30

Ozy, the Brown Cow is now a private house.

Comment by: . Ozymandias . on 26th February 2017 at 10:50

Thanks for that Jack. As a matter of fact, I already knew that. Why else do you suppose I would be offering to buy them both a drink there? We're not all addled this side of Simms Lane End you know.

Cheers mate. Ozy.

Comment by: Maureen on 26th February 2017 at 12:18

Thank you Philip..Im sure I can see a couple of the little ones scurrying about..well...if you don't look for magic..you'll never find it.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 26th February 2017 at 13:02

GW - As you were out there during last month's testing conditions and haven't reported any injuries, to yourself, I now firmly believe that you and I have similar characteristics ie a nice rounded action, hits the ground hard and having a sound distal phalanx. I also trust that you chose Ozy's alternative route - Standside, low numbers best. "Exercise the horse first thing in the morning", is what I say. Take care.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 26th February 2017 at 17:15

Ozy - When I first saw your photo of The Dingle, I knew almost immediately that only two locations could be considered in identifying the exact spot at which your photo had been taken; at the side of The Blue Hills, and at the side of the banking close to the junction of ... . The 'spooky-looking' tree in particular (shown on the right-hand side of both photos) and the much smaller banking at the junction, led me to believe that your photo had been taken at the tail end of The Blue Hills - despite the smaller banking also playing host to a tree. Heading eastwards and situated between the junction and Torpen Howe is another area of hollow ground where an owl is known to have made its nest in the hole of the large tree that stands there, but despite spooks, owls and hollow ground giving me the heebie-jeebies, the area remains an appetite-inducing 'good walk'. Thankyou.

Comment by: Philip Gormley. on 26th February 2017 at 19:49

Maureen - Continue your watchfulness. During my recent walk along the pathway I thought I'd had seen what appeared to be a ... no, it couldn't have been ... oh, you've got me going now. Kind regards.

Comment by: Maureen on 26th February 2017 at 22:44

You never know Philip..you never know. x

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