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Photos of Wigan
Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

Backyard studio

1 Comment

Backyard portrait
Backyard portrait
Photo: dk
Views: 3,869
Item #: 5722
George and Elizabeth Cunliffe - Uncle George and Aunty Bet - with little George and Carol.
Guessing a bit at 1953.
Little George was about ten or more years older than us and great fun and far from little. Carol used to take us to the baths and taught us how to swim. My Grandad showed me how to play chess and I would go to Aunty Bet's on a Sunday and play little George who was really a young man by then.
I beat him once, fair and square. I know it was fair and square because they were all jibing at him and he pinned me down to the grass in the back yard and put his big toe in my mouth. It's the kind of memory that a private course of hypnotherapy can't erase. (I'm okay now - still taking tablets but they tell me I'm okay.)
Happy days? I hope he's still chuckling 'cos I can taste it!
Happy days indeed..........

Comment by: peter frost on 31st March 2008 at 11:43

is this the George who married Beatrice and was in the BB.
if it is, then i know both George and Carol

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