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Backyard studio


Backyard portrait
Backyard portrait
Photo: dk
Views: 3,710
Item #: 5680
Belle Green Lane Higher Ince c1960. The houses shown are the backs of the council houses in West Street. If this picture is compared with #4983 of the same houses but ten or so years earlier there's wasn't an aerial in sight. Now, they have all sprouted an X aerial.
John Goulding - Uncle Jack, I think he was something in the council - and his son-in-law Dick Parkinson. (He wasn't our Uncle - all relations, however distant, were Uncles and Aunties to us kids then.)
Walking that wall wasn't much of a challenge but jumping off it was a bit of a dare. It was higher than it looks. The tree in the corner has had a fearful short back and sides. It belonged to Joe Pearson of Chatham Street. He seemed always to be behind it digging worms for fishing. We weren't allowed near the tree. Or, the worms. It was an elder and a big one. You can't make bows and arrows out of elder because it's not proper wood and they snap too easily. And you get a belt.

Comment by: Mick on 27th March 2008 at 23:13

Elder trees have two other unfortunate qualities. They are almost invariably covered in moss and lichen, which transfers itself to your hands and clothing (I used to get belted for that), and they have an awful smell, somewhat reminiscent of incontinent tomcats. This could also transfer itself to your person (More belts). The pith inside the branches was something like balsa wood though, and could be used for making fishing floats.

Comment by: Gerry on 29th March 2008 at 16:50

did John Goulding live at No 8 Battersby St?

Comment by: dk on 29th March 2008 at 18:07

I don't know the numbers Gerry but it was the second house on the right hand side of Battersby Street looking from the Bush. John Goulding was married to Hannah Goulding who was my Grandad's sister. The people in the first house were Mr and Mrs Mason who weren't related at all but we called them Aunty and Uncle as well. Keep it simple.

Comment by: Gerry on 1st April 2008 at 17:13

It the right people I remember, wrong house number. Masons lived No 8 Gouldings at 10 Old Mrs Aspinall lived at No 6 (the old Terraces) Barry and Christine Shepherd lived at 14 their Dad was named Sam, we lived at No 4 till 1962 when they knocked down

Comment by: Gerry on 6th April 2008 at 17:44

here is a link to gouldings house on the right

Comment by: dk on 6th April 2008 at 21:00

That's the house I remember Gerry. I think Mrs Mason next door was called Peggy and they had a daughter Joan, older than us kids.

Comment by: Jean P on 28th December 2010 at 12:22

Mrs Mason's first name was Ethel, her husband Jackie Mason a miner and their daughters are Doreen and Joan.
Gerry are you still impersonating George Formby?

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