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Aspull Secondary School


5th Year 3.6.64
5th Year 3.6.64
Photo: Sandra Miller nee Kay
Views: 8,368
Item #: 19790
We were the first lot to stay at Aspull for a 5th year. Back row is Norman Byers, Edward King, Arthur Blinkhorn, Alan Riley, Frank Melling,Ronnie Bolton,David Hulme, Willam Gambles. Front: Julie Izzard, Jean Groves, Sandra Kay, Mr. Sutton, Glenise Ford, June Alker and Christine Winnar. were are you all now!!

Comment by: Dennis S on 4th February 2012 at 14:53

Sandra did Billy Gambles live on Lindsey Terrace?. I think he became a Travel Agent.

Comment by: Sandra on 4th February 2012 at 16:26

Dennis, is Lindsay Terrace a row of stone cottages near to where the council offices used to be?

Comment by: Wigwann on 4th February 2012 at 18:56

It was lovely to see this picture of my long term friend Glenise Ford. Sadly Glenise died some years ago in NSW but I keep in touch with her daughter Emily and her husband Jim.

Comment by: Dennis S on 4th February 2012 at 19:32

That's right Sandra.

Comment by: Lisa Irwin on 19th February 2012 at 21:00

June Alker (now Hudson) is my mum. She married a serving airman, who later commissioned, and had 3 daughters. She now lives in Scotland and runs a B&B with her husband and has 6 grandchildren aged from 6 to 18!

Comment by: Sandra Miller nee Kay on 21st February 2012 at 19:37

Lovely to hear news of June Alker who was in my class. My Mother knew her Grandma from 'down Bolton road'. I'm sure she used to do 'sewing' and made me some sort of dress when I was young.

Comment by: June Hudson on 20th March 2012 at 16:37

So nice to hear from Sandra, it does seem a lifetime away since we were at Aspull with the world at our feet. I find it hard to believe we are all pensioners, until I look in the mirror!

Comment by: Sandra Miller nee Kay on 21st March 2012 at 15:15

Hello June, Nice to hear from you. Cover the mirrors up!! Hope you are well. Had lunch with Sandra Winstanley last month. We keep in touch. She hasn't changed a bit. A while ago I tried to put a school hocky photo on but it didn't appear. You me and Sandra are on it. Will try again.

Comment by: June Hudson on 26th March 2012 at 15:43

Hi Sandra, I write to Sandra Winstanly at Christmas, my usual long winded christmas message! My Gramdma Alker did do sewing, she made the first uniform we wore for Aspull Moriss Dancers. I wish I had Photo's of that but in those days we didn't carry cameras. Maybe Sandra has some.

Comment by: Sandra Miller nee Kay on 1st April 2012 at 17:18

Hi June, I was in Aspull Morris Dancers but a long time ago when I was about 5 up to when they finished and I would be about 10 or so. I have some photos of then but I think that was before you joined which would have been when they started up again. I didn't join then, must have been doing other things? Myself and Kathleen Higham were mascots and carried shields. I have those shields at home. Hope I've got the timing right.

Comment by: Arthur Blinkhorn on 15th August 2012 at 08:25

Sandra, you got them all correct except for Christine Winnard. With a D. I live in the US now but if you can send me an e-mail.

Comment by: Sandra Miller (nee Kay) on 19th August 2012 at 13:55

Hi Arthur, nice to hear from you. Computer missed the d off Christine Winnard!!. Saw Jean Groves in Tesco a year or two back. See Alan Riley now and then. Passed comments to June Alker through this site. Our Glenise sadly died a few years ago out in Australia. Haven't a clue where anyone else is. Would be great if some of the others could find the site. Dennis and David have put on some fantastic pictures of Aspull Sec Mod. Really enjoyed myself there, we had a great class all the way through didn't we? Hope you are well and will keep my eye out for more comments.

Comment by: christine singleton. ne walker on 29th August 2012 at 20:24

hi norman byers was my cousin .his mother was my dads sister .what a small world ,i lived in hindley i live in wigan now .is anybody still in touch with him .can you tell him i have been asking about him christine

Comment by: christine singleton. ne walker on 2nd September 2012 at 17:17

hi i should have said is my cousin .i think he lives in darby we are not in touch anymore since my dad died christine

Comment by: Eunice Cadman (Schofield) on 11th September 2012 at 16:38

great to see all these OLD photos remember quite a few of you, fond memories of school

Comment by: Edward King and Roseland Taylor on 11th June 2015 at 18:31

Of course you know where we are, Sandra! We exchange cards at Christmas and birthdays. We married and live in Herefordshire and will, God willing, celebrate our golden wedding in Dec. 2016. Our son, Robin, also lives in NSW . but we never visited Glenise. Does Jim still live in the same place,and are Peggy and Bert still with us, and Marlene, where is she? Keep in touch. Edward(Ted) and Rose. xx

Comment by: Frank and Julie melling on 9th September 2015 at 10:46

We are alive and well living in the Gidlow area of Wigan so back where we started via Shrewsbury, Leicester and Barnsley. We have been here for 33years now but never see anyone from school. Except I saw Miss Twist outside Electric showroom in 1985 and Mr Wilkinson followed me through BHS around that time singing the hymn with words "with grace to follow Julie". Frank used to see Miss Eastwood when she was a magistrate and he was in police at Wigan.

Comment by: julie melling nee izzard on 10th September 2015 at 16:53

I actually remembered i did see Eunice in casualty at Wigan Infirmary when i was having problems with my stomach and i have driven down Mesnes Road and seen Billy Gambles going into a house near Swinley road. That was years ago i
havent seen him since. I cant remember what year it was when we came to visit Sandra and Dennis in Blackrod. Its the age isnt it?

Comment by: Sandra Miller nee Kay on 26th October 2015 at 19:59

Hi Rose and Edward, Haven't been on Wigan World in ages and only just seen your comments. Unfortunately Aunty Peg and Uncle Bert are no longer with us and Marlene moved to Australia when Peg was ill and Bert had already died. Her sons are in Australia - no idea where and Marlene looked after her Mum until she died. She and her husband have stayed out there. I see very few people from school except a while ago on the school playground waiting for Freddie (1st grandchild) someone came up to me and asked if I was Sandra Kay. It was Ann Potter but she is younger than me so I didn't really remember her except the name! Things do make you remember stuff and you wonder where so and so is and what they are up to. Its great to see names on Wigan World to bring back good memories.

Comment by: Brian Shallicker on 11th May 2016 at 14:23

Recognise everyone in photo

Comment by: Jean Martin (Grove) on 24th August 2017 at 19:03

Hi everybody in the photo, I no longer play in the band, live in Broadway, Worcestershire in the beautiful Cotswolds. Remember fabulous schooldays laughing my way through with Olive Brown.

Comment by: raymond smith on 17th March 2018 at 10:52

does anyone know when glenise ford died she was my girlfriend at school

Comment by: Bob Norburn on 1st January 2023 at 00:54

Hi Sandra,

Looks like I'm a bit late clocking on in here, better late than never though hey, I hope everyone is still around.

Quite a few names racked up, a good number of them that I remember, starting off with you, we were in the same class, as was Frank Melling, I wonder if Frank remembers the sport's day when we ran in the mile race against Ronnie McAndrews, Ronnie was in a different class to us, in more ways than one, we finished 2nd and 3rd to Ronnie, beaten by what they'd call a Distance if we'd been running at Haydock Park.

No shame in that though, Ronnie went on to represent Wales, won the Pike Race more than once and had a prestigious career as an athlete.

Also remembered are Billy Gambles, Arthur Blinkhorn and near everyone
else in the photo.

Odd that Margaret Creed isn't in the photo, I hope Maggie is still around ?

"All our yesterdays" hey...

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