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Aspull Methodist


Infants and juniors 1952/3.
Infants and juniors 1952/3.
Photo: Walter Southern
Views: 10,237
Item #: 17849
Photo was taken 1952 or 1953 in the infants class, Aspull Methodist School, Wigan Road, Mrs Dixon was the teacher a very strict old lady. I can still remember most of the childrens names.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 30th May 2011 at 18:40

Hi Walter if you can still remember the names put them on.

Comment by: walter on 30th May 2011 at 19:10

OK Ron here we go! bottom row L to R- Gordon Gamble, Sidney Jones, ME, David Adams, Alan Liptrot,Kenny Horrocks, Peter Crossland, Dennis Seddon, Les Westhead, Keith Mcmahon,
Second row upL to R George Southern, (? forgot) James Jolley, Ada Southern, (? forgot) Eileen Berrisford, May Hough, Sylvia ?, Margaret Roby, 3rd row L to R Thomas Bird ( he had the most beautiful singing voice) Ronald Coleman, ? Pilkington, Keneth Blinstone, Roland Kearsley, (?) (?) Anne Liptrot, Glennis Pilkington, Doreen Webber and Sylvia ?. sorry to those who's name escaped me but it is 60yrs ago.

Comment by: Christine Ward on 30th May 2011 at 22:37

For the first time I have seen a name I recognised, that being Kenneth Blinstone. A fammily ancestor, Icey Ward married a Richard Blinsstone so can anyone tell me if there
are any Blinstones still in Wigan? Could Kenneth be Richards brother as it is an uncommon name?
Richard and Icey Blinstone had a daughter, Beatrice, who is still with us and two sons one of whom became a Vicar.
Any info. would be great.

Comment by: Tony Topping on 31st May 2011 at 18:15

I used to work with a Ken Blinston and he lived up Aspull when he was a child. Lives up Kitt Green if it's the same one. He has a brother too who comes on Wiganworld or used to. Don't know if it's the same one or not. Also worked with Tommy Bird! Both perfect gents too.

Comment by: David Barker on 8th July 2011 at 13:00

Tony, Kenneths brother must be Harry comes on WW sometimes ,his mother was the lollypop lady at Aspull Methodists in 1964 when I was there.He lives in Warrington now.

Comment by: nopa1000 on 30th July 2011 at 18:52

was kenneths elder brother not harold , lived up scot lane

Comment by: Ken R on 13th December 2011 at 23:48

I left this school about 1948, we had three teachers that I can remember, Mrs Birch, Miss Stott and headmaster Mr Leyland, he was deaf and had an ancient earing aid that was in a box that he had to carry around.

Comment by: Dennis S on 13th January 2012 at 21:12

I think the lad next to George Southern was named Leigh and he lived round the corner from the school at Lucas Nook.
I remember having to pump the celler out after heavy rain.No one complained because it got us out of lessons.

Comment by: walt (nth yorks) on 16th January 2012 at 20:35

Dennis, I don't think his name was Leigh but you could be right, Question, are you Dennis Seddon ? if so we were long time friends from infants until leaving the Secondary school in 1962. I am Walter (Raleigh)remember?. I'm retired now and live in North Yorkshire, I would love to chat.

Comment by: David Barker on 14th May 2012 at 18:12

Hi Walt ,you said bottom row Gordon Gambles, do you not mean Gordon Daniels,I was speaking to him at the weekend hes doing OK ,also have a drink with Roland Kearsley hes just recently retired doing OK.

Comment by: walt (nth Yorks) on 19th June 2012 at 17:05

David, sorry I have only just seen your comments, yes you are right. Have Gordon or Roland seen the pic do you know ?. If you see them again give them my regards please. Sadly, I have learned that several of those in the pic are now no longer with us. I am though, in regular contact with Dennis Seddon who is on the photo and makes regular contribution to WW. Good on Ya!

Comment by: linda rutter ne Hulme on 4th October 2012 at 20:36

hi Walter did you live in the corner of Crawford Avenue if you are our Barbara still sends bithday cards xmas cards to your Ann im only just learning on here and its just great getting in touch with Aspull folk

Comment by: Alan Cannon on 7th January 2013 at 17:32

Ken Blinston does live in Kit Green Ken and Harry(Harold) his brother lived in Harold st were I was born. Harold did use Wigan World but sadly passed away about 3 Years ago. We had reunions aoccaisonly over the years, myself, my brother Brian Cannon Ken and Harold, Tommy Bird, Roy Gregory and Freddy Worthington. It was good to look back and reminise about old Aspull. (talk about last of the summer wine}.

Comment by: Linda RUTTER WAS HULME on 22nd January 2013 at 01:45

Hi Alan when you see Ken again ask him does he rember my family

Comment by: Alan Cannon on 22nd January 2013 at 20:57

Hi Linda I was speaking to Ken Blinston on the phone today sadly he doesent remember your family but there were quite a few Hulmes in Aspull.There was Dorothy Hulme from Bolton road near the Running Horses. There was also Edward Hulme from Crawford Ave I dont know if they were any relation to you

Comment by: Linda Rutter was Hulme on 3rd February 2013 at 02:18

Hi Alan when you see Ken again wil you tell him im Edwards sister i live in Pemberton my self we live on the estate near the Ravine club tell him irember him from up Scotlane i also whent to Aspull Methodist school i have also been in touch with Walter Southern

Comment by: walt (North Yorks) on 12th February 2013 at 21:11

Hi Linda, did you get the picture I sent ??. Not seen your comments on WW for a while, good to speak with old Aspull folk in't it ?. regards to everyone in Aspull.

Comment by: linda on 14th February 2013 at 14:23

hi Walterdid get photos thanks a lot i did send you a thank you message i have been in touch with this lady in Aspull she was 14when she went to live on Crawford ave but been down with virus so i hope to make arrangements to see this lady to see if she knows a few names i will keep in touch

Comment by: LINDA was Hulme on 12th March 2013 at 15:39

hi Walter not been on WIGAN WORLD had no comp spilt tea on it so had to buy a new one but this is WINDOWS8 its hard to get used to hope to get in touch by EMAIL in stead of going on Wigan world

Comment by: Dorothy Guest ( nee Pendlebury) on 9th January 2014 at 10:53

Hi Linda did you used to live just off Crawford Avenue (a side road, forgot the name),

Comment by: Dorothy on 3rd February 2014 at 20:21

Hi Ken I too remember Mrs Birch, Miss Stott, who quite stern, and I remember my brother Ken Pendlebury talking about Mr Leyland he said he always had a chair leg handy, I wonder what he used that for.

Comment by: LINDA RUTTER WAS HULME on 4th February 2014 at 11:41

hI Dorathy i used to live on Crawford ave just past where the sqaire was i think thers flats on there noow

Comment by: Dorothy on 4th February 2014 at 20:45

Hi Linda, were you any relation to Jenny Hulme, she lived with my Auntie Maud for a while, also have you any photos of Aspull Methodist school or Chapel, or any of the pupils, what year did you start the school.

Comment by: Ken Blinston on 30th August 2021 at 13:23

I'm Ken Blinston, I've only just seen the photo of Aspull Methodist infants ,Hi all especially Walter, you and I used to be the very best of friends all through our school days ,I left Aspull secondary in 1961 ,I think I was a few months older than you,,I often think about those days, you was a good footballer if I remember correctly, Yeah Walter good days them,I hope you see this because I know this really good topic goes back a few years, anyway Walter I hope you are doing OK, So sorry not to mention anyone else as I am still trying to get my head around the incredible photograph ,
Kind regards, Ken Blinston

Comment by: Walter Southern on 4th March 2022 at 09:33

Ken, so good to know that you remember the time we were at infant and junior school back in the early 1950s. Sorry its taken awhile to respond but I've only just seen your comments. I have lived near York for almost 40 years now but get across from time to time, Dennis Seddon on me meet up now and again for a day out and chinwag. Dennis still lives in Aspull and keeps me informed of events. Sad to say though, a lot of these kids are no longer with us, of course we are all in our seventies now, time is ticking on Ken. The last I heard you had moved to'ther side of Wigan. Anyway Ken, thanks for dropping a line and hope you get this message. Take care Marra. Walter.

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 4th March 2022 at 10:28

Ken, do you remember that blue BSA bike that you had when you lived in Harold Street?

Comment by: Ken Blinston i on 3rd June 2023 at 23:52

Hi Dennis, it's good to see your comments about the BSA I had,it was a cracking bike that,I was shocked to know you remembered it,anyway Dennis I hope your doing OK,
I live in Kitt Green now and lost touch with people like yourself and Walter,but I can remember a lot of our school days. Thanks Dennis for remembering me and my BSA.ha ha
Dennis,keep in touch if you can,and tell Walter the same .Reet Dennis keep going Marra.

Comment by: Dennis Seddon on 9th August 2023 at 11:21

Howdo Ken! Just seen your comment, glad that you are still plodding along with the rest of us old marra’s.
Never having a new bike I envied you that shiny blue BSA, Ken.
These days I look back on those days on Scot lane with a lot fondness. The freedom we had then to do as we pleased would seem very strange to today’s generation.
Anyroad, keep gooin’ wit yed dean Ken. Alsithi. Dennis.

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