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Alexandra Opencast Site


Alexandra Opencast.
Alexandra Opencast.
Photo: Eddie.
Views: 2,236
Item #: 27193
Taken in the summer of 1988. This is what it was all about. That three foot seam of coal visible near the wagon. The name of the lad that was driving the Leyland was Vinny Roberts. He came from Stubshaw. He was pretty well known in C.B.circles. His ' handle ' was ' Country Boy '. He drove for Unsworth's at one point in his career. I hope someone remembers him, he was a great lad.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 11th December 2015 at 14:16

Anyone able to tell me what the seam is?

Comment by: chris southworth on 11th December 2015 at 17:22

Neil Cain, I'll have a guess at either the Ince Yard or Bulldog seams.

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 11th December 2015 at 23:45

I remember Vinny Roberts very well he worked for T
Unsworth +sons ,he also drove a loading shovel for W Todd,Ltd he had a 6 cylinder Triumph Vitesse car which was
very fast off the mark as you say he was a great lad D.C.

Comment by: Eddie. on 12th December 2015 at 02:06

I'd forgotten about that Derrick but you're right. I first met Vinny in 1969 when we were running coal out of Cronton colliery, he was driving a loading shovel then. I think he lost his eye when he was working for Unsworths.

Comment by: Neil Cain on 12th December 2015 at 17:13

Thanks Chris

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 12th December 2015 at 17:36

Eddie.I also know Johnny Baldwin who worked on sugar lorrys
he also worked on tippers for a firm at ashton,then I got him a job with us at Banks's but he didn't like it D.C.

Comment by: Eddie. on 12th December 2015 at 18:48

Thanks for that Derrick. We went to school together and we were both wagon crazy from being kids. He lived in Druid street in Ashton and he used to ride around with George Pennington's drivers as a lad. He ended up working for them. He was mad as a wasp. He lived in Hindley after he got married but I lost contact with him many years ago. He was also well into pigeons. By the way Derrick, you'll no doubt know John Openshaw, I worked with him at Safeway's back in the 70's. All the best mate.

Comment by: Derrick Cunliffe on 12th December 2015 at 20:23

Eddie.Johnny still lives in Hindley near were I live but I
have not seen him for years. John Openshaw when he worked at
K.S. was hijacked they dragged him out the cab and taped him up with masking tape and took the truck it put the fear
of god in john but he got over it D.C.

Comment by: Eddie. on 12th December 2015 at 21:03

Flippin' 'eck Derrick, I never knew that mate. I'll lay odds, it was that one at the top of Wavertree road.. I'm only guessing, but we had problems there when I was pulling for Kwikies. Last time I saw John was at Brian Walsh's funeral, more than two years ago. You wouldn't have known Brian. He drove for Safeway for 40 odd years. We're all sliding gently into obscurity mate. Regards. Eddie.

Comment by: Mike Barton on 14th December 2015 at 15:47

Neil,I agree with Chris Southworth's answer to your question. I think it's the Top Ince Yard. The Bottom Ince Yard or Bulldog is the next seam down and very often is overlain by a buff coloured sandstone which you can see in the lower left corner of the picture. So far as I can recall there are about 8-10 metres of strata between the Top and Bottom Ince Yards and another 8-10 or so between the Bottom Ince and the Ince Deep Yard.

Alexandra site was crossed by the Great Haigh Fault which brought the Upper Ince Series (Ince Riding, Ashclough, Park Yard and the 3 Ince Yards) to around the same level as the Cannel Series (Sir John, Cannel, King & Queen, Plodder).

The coal seam in your other photo appears to have 2 distinct leaves with a dirt parting in between, and I think that this is the King, located on the other side of the fault.

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