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Item #: 32188
Yesterday being V.E. DAY I dug out one of my "WIND UP GRAMOPHONES" and sat in the garden and, played some war time records, to the Pleasure or Annoyance of my neighbours<g> and came across these record sleeves from Wigan Music shops Coincidentally One of the sleeves is from the shop of J Watson, whose photo I put on the site a couple of days ago..

Comment by: Philip G. on 9th May 2020 at 13:21

Like the stylish Heywood sleeve.

Comment by: Albert.S. on 9th May 2020 at 13:52

Ron. Many years ago, a cousin of mine went into Chamberlains and bought a L.P. record. Unfortunately, whilst sorting out his money to pay for it, he absentmindedly placed the record on one of the radiators, and it bent the record.

Comment by: Linma on 9th May 2020 at 16:47

Still got my old records and record player. Most of my records came from Hurst’s in the Market Hall. When you are ‘under house &#127968; arrest’ housework gets done much quicker dancing along to The Drifters.

Comment by: Philip G. on 9th May 2020 at 18:18

I had a small batch of these given to me when I worked at Skem in the 70s. I'd been hoping for a Caruso or a Gigli to have been in the mix when I got home, but all I'd been given were danceband pieces; Anne Shelton's Lay Down Your Arms was there - I remember hearing it at the time of its release. But, I'd really like to know what became of the 78 belonging to Albert's friend.

Comment by: RON HUNT on 9th May 2020 at 18:32

Philip probably ended up as plant pot I made hundred when I was a lad, as there were plenty of old 78rpm records around In fact that was all there was<g> I have a couple of single sided Caruso records and a couple of Tom Burke. Quite a few George Formby, junior and senior. and a few Sandy Powell's <g> and a lot more "COMIC" ones from the early 1900's up to the 40's.

Comment by: Philip G. on 9th May 2020 at 21:54

Thanks Ron (I must admit to having mistaken the LP belonging to Albert's cousin for 'his friend's 78'). And this business of experts rating Caruso as being the 'best tenor, ever', when, according to my mind, they can't know what his voice really sounded like - due to early-days equipment -, as always puzzled me; Top dog in his day, though, by most accounts, was Caruso. And the recording made by Rolando Villazon on a wax cylinder just a few year's ago, sounded nothing like him when they played it back. Whatever, I still like to hear Caruso when he sings Over There, … Johnny/Tommy? get your gun, get your gun … .

Comment by: RON HUNT on 10th May 2020 at 11:43

Philip a couple of my favourite Tenors:- TOM BURKE, who was from Leigh and was nicknamed the LANCASHIRE CARUSO.(Ive got a copy of his RARE book. what a playboy he was<g>) and Jussi Bjorling check out his recording of "E Lucevan le Stella" BEAUTIFUL I think you can hear it on YOUTUBE?

Comment by: Philip G. on 10th May 2020 at 12:53

'And the Stars were Shining': Thanks Ron. Chap across from us used to be compere at the 'Legion, where he always seemed to go blue in the face at the end of The Donkey Serenade - you wouldn't think he'd had lessons from Tom Burke. The Bjorling-Merrill pairing for The Pearl Fishers duet, is another stonker and reckoned to be the best version. Pappano did a very good Opera series about three or four year ago in which top-notchers past and present were shown at there best; He said the greatest singer to have come from these islands was 'probably' Dame Janet Baker. And his statement gives me the same tingle as that given by Sir Bobby Robson's: When he's fit, and when his head's right, Maradona is probably the finest player that's ever played the game (sorry, Ron).

Comment by: RON on 10th May 2020 at 15:31

" Maradona is probably the finest player that's ever played the game (sorry, Ron)"
Philip I think we should AGREE to DISAGREE on that subject<g>..

Comment by: cindy on 10th May 2020 at 18:12

I think I have a Tom Burke, Gili,& a Caruso record some where in the loft.

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