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Photos of Wigan

Wigan Album

723 Sqn Air Training Corps - Wigan


723 Sqn ATC
723 Sqn ATC
Photo: Graham Taylor
Views: 2,258
Item #: 14912
Group photo in 1980's. I think it is a Bloodhound surface to air missile behind them. Location unknown.
Craig Taylor is middle row 2nd right.

Comment by: Stuart on 29th May 2010 at 00:31

Location is RAF North coates..I put the same pic on a few years ago.

Comment by: Gerry on 29th May 2010 at 21:34

My old pal Dennis Worden (an officer and a gentleman) back row second right

Comment by: Moz on 30th May 2010 at 14:36

Chaff and Flares would not stop this beast on your tail. Showed this photo to many ex RAF colleagues at work, who recognised it straight away, they fought in the Falklands and are battle aware. Always good to know you have this on your side.

Comment by: Gary Lilly on 18th April 2018 at 16:27

Blimey this goes back to the really good old days. Myself back row 5th from right and John Shaw back row 4th from right!! Many happy days at 723 squadron

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